political , economic and social situation in three different countries

Im goin to talk about the political , economical , and social situation about three countries in south america , but first im going to start with the explaination of what are  the significate of those words , politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group ;economy is an área of the production , distribution ,or trde , and consumption of good and services by different agents ;social  attitudes , orientation or behaviour wich take the interest , intentions or needs of other people into account  has played some role in defining the idea or the principle.

Political situation
Colombia is a democracy in which citizens empower government by voting to represent them and make decisions about the country. Colombians can elect their representatives when they are over eighteen years old and have a citizenship card. In Colombia the fact of going to the polls is not mandatory , since its electoral system is voluntary  suffage. Mandatory  voting  is allowed  in most countries of latin  america. Abstention in Colombia is one of the highest in the americas.
Economical situation
Colombia is an emerging economy and an economic powerhouse of the region. It is also part of the emerging countries  block CIVETS. Its GDP PPA also ranks fourth in latin america behind argentina , mexico and brazil , and 28th globally.
Social situation
The indigenous cultures settled in the country at the arrival of the spardinards, the european culture and the african cultures imported during the colony are the basis of the colombian culture , wich also shares  fundamental traits with others hispano-american cultures in manifestations such as ,religión, music , dances , parties , traditions among others.

Political situation
The brazilian federation is formed by the indisoluble unión of three distinct political entities: the states , the municipalities , and the federal district. The unión is made up of the states , the federal district and the municipalities, are the spheres of the government. The federation is defined in five fundamental principles: sovereignty , citizenship, dignity of the person , the social values of work and free initiative , and political pluralism.

Economic situation
According  to the international  monetary  fund and the world bank , brazil is the largest economy in the latin america and the second in the continent  , behind the united states , the ninth largest economy in the world . purchasing power parity terms. The country has several large and developed economic sectors  such a agriculture , mining ,manufacturing ,and services , as well as a large labor market.

Social situation
The culture of brazil is the result of mixture of traditions and customs typical of three groups that shaped the current national identity : native ameridians , portuguese  colonizers and african and european immigrants. The basis of brazilian culture is derived from portuguese culture , because of its strong ties to the portuguese colonial empire.

Political situantion
The constitution of 1853 established  asystem of representative government , republican and federal , which has been maintained  by all  the constitutional reforms made since then.

Economic situation
Argentina is the second  largest economy in south america , second only to brazil. Along with this , they are the only south american countries  to integrate to the G-20,  Wich brings  together the largest , richest and most industrialized economies on the planet.

Social situation
The argentine culture is marked by the multiethnic and multicultural nature of its population , the strog syncretism of its forma of expession, and a positive appreciation of progress and modernity , in wich there is a sence of beloging , not conflict-free. European and latin american cultures.


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