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My life
My name is Mohamed yebara , i was born in 5th of November of
the 2002 in Maicao, la Guajira, I am 15 years old , I am half Lebanese and half
Colombian ,I have four sisters , my father and my mother , I studied for 8 years in the school Colombo arabe
, and lived in Maicao for 10 years with
my mother and my father , my sisters got
married and I have now 5 nieces and 1 nephew ;
I am a muslim person and we go to pray every Friday in the mosque but
only men because the women is not
obligatory to go there but only if they want to they can go.
My bases in life are my father , my mom and my sisters ,
they are the reason of what I am right
know and not olny them also my friends. My goals in life in the present is to finish twelve
grade an take the icfes exam. My goals in life in the future is to become one of the best cardiovascular
surgeon , neurosurgeon and anesthesiologist, and help other persons by
operating them and make them well of health.